First topic message reminder :Name: Lauri
Age: 15
In-game name: Fazer:]
Guid ( need this for a valid application):
Your tb link: rate on tb: 19-20
Previous clans and names: Ruthless team, Fazer_r7, .thC'omAr*
100+ screenshots( need at least 2): I dont have, but King saw my 125/51 score few days ago. In my xfire profile is 2-3 pictures, they aren't 100+
Why do you want to join us? This clan have very nice people, this is good clan, and rating border is appropriate
Do you have any pbbans? No
Xfire: hiekkatie
Additional information (Optional): I play in FA Beginners, ETc| Sexcup, FA 2 XPSAVe and FA Recruiting